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Buildup-(pictures-a lot)

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by sammy, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. May 4, 2008
    tommy b

    tommy b Member

    Golden, Colorado
    Oct 23, 2005
    X2. Just step back and relax for a while. I've been working on my 51 Victoria off and on since 1989 and it still needs to be put back together. :)

    tommy b
  2. May 4, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Thinks Bill, I guess I'm not alone with the frustration at this project... The thing is that this Jeep is relaxation to me, along with the weight lifting. But throw in the stress from mainly this teacher and I got discouraged, along with the forum guys telling me such...
    The 5 I guess will stay. It's just sitting there, haven't touched it, wanted the tranny/ t case mainly. We have the room for it so I'll let it sit and stew. I haven't touched it. The flatty is so close I can taste driving it. All there is is body work paint and bolting it back on. Oh wires brakes and steering. But that's summer time. I guess I took what others said a bit personally while trying to get the grade for school
  3. May 4, 2008
    jeep peep69

    jeep peep69 Member

    redding ca.
    Dec 8, 2007
    sammy put the jeep on hold for a month finish school for the year then work on the jeep english is an important class just do your best but dont get rid of the jeep if yours is like mine it is therapy to go wrench on it a little to relax good luck keep up the good grades i wish mine were half as good as yours when i was in school also the jeep looks good
  4. May 4, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Thanks guys, I just figgured it would be nice to have it done, and driving it may be relaxing since I never have driven it.
    My parents are aware of the situation and through the help of my family and my faith I'm sure I'll get by with it. I suppose I will keep the flatty. May 22 comes fast, only 11 actual school days left.
  5. May 4, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Thanks brother, thank you for the complements as well
  6. May 10, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Evening fellows.
    Had some time all to myself today, because the jerk english teacher didn't assign any homework and I didn't need to lift, so I removed the bracket in prep for the dual res MC. Have some calls out to who could do the lines.
    I removed the front axle to wire wheel it, which I did.
    I broked it! R)
    Then paint
    Right now just POR 15 [​IMG]
    Then chassis black. My new springs are ready to go in, just need to run by the local shop and hope they has some shackles in stock. For the front I'm doing the same style shackles Boyink has, the tow style.
    Then my dang garage door opened roughly slamming into the motor, and dropped some dirt on the axle :mad: :evil:
    So now I need to sand it to remove the texture before the next coat.
    Damage report. My arms are scarred from POR, I'm filthy, and I have the biggest blood blister I've ever seen plus a bleeding thumb nail from the old spring suddenly falling and pinning it to the ground. Oh well.
  7. May 12, 2008

    unelemented Member

    New Zealand
    Jun 21, 2007
    Just let it sit and get back to it when your ready and whatever you do dont sell it youll regret it the minute it rolls out your driveway (happened to me n my first car)
    Mine sits for months waiting for me to do work on it and when I feel like it I work on it
    just make sure you store it nice so its still mint when you get to it
  8. May 12, 2008

    canuckCJ Member

    Channahon, IL
    May 6, 2006
    Doesn't sound quite like therapy :) Make sure your mind is on what your doing. We don't want any serious accidents.

    I agree with the others. Don't get rid of it, you would regret it later. I think most of us have one that we wish we didn't sell. The fact that nobody here has offered to scoop the flattie up from you shows how much respect these guys have for the work you've done on it and nobody wants to see you get rid of it now.
  9. May 12, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    The paint is from not wearing a long sleeved shirt, the injured thumb from a freak thing where the axle started rolling, I tried to stop it after removing the nuts from the U Bolts and the spring fell on my thumb, no biggie. It's healing.
    Dirt happens. It's all part of the fun for me. I don't mind it. Nothing serious yet, I keep a level head when out there, always wear safety glasses. May not wear shirts all the time.
    I'm not getting rid of it either, I was frustrated by every persons comment about how school is number 1. Plus the late model guys were being rude, so I just was thinking. I appriciate your comment about the respect from everyone, truly.

    Well on that, new shackles tow front lift rear came in. Need to get 4 more bushings.
    Ordered U Bolt Skids as well, figure it won't hurt (after a battle of words with the local "hardcore" guys on how they're junk/ no their not/mine's bigger steel/yours are band aids/do a spring over/ so on. But I've decided on them from Tellico 4x4, the Warrior models or such. Front axle is ready to be put back in, just need those hangers/bushings...
  10. May 12, 2008

    Fnord5 El Jeepo Gigantico!

    Aug 31, 2007
    The late model guys are just jealous :D
  11. May 12, 2008
    double R

    double R Member

    Reseda, CA
    Mar 18, 2003

    the reason might be that the earlies imitate the laties but the earlies get all the coolness points...
  12. May 15, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Thanks guys, cold be true, who knows? The late guys can actually go places in theirs without worrying about about dragging or bridging ladders, and can actually go fast.
    Finals come next Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm stoked! Well, looking at the reviews I'll be good to go. Ive got the front axle under the Jeep with new springs, and shackles (tow) plus 1/2" lift shackles in the rear, all with urethane bushings.
    I'm waiting on the U bolt skids to put the front axle on, spin the Jeep around, and pull the rear to do the same.
    Right now the front end is on jack stands, shackles bolted up, and the axle just sitting on the springs, tires off the ground. Springs are being literally pulled down instead of pushed up (SUA)
    The new 1" lift springs don't compress as bad as the old ones, but, they were roughly the same size. It seems they're 1/2 to 3/4" shorter as well. Right now the shackles are completely vertical. Pin to pin they're vertical. I thought they should stick forward. Will this change when weight is on the springs?
    Also, got the Solex mounted and linkages lined up. I'm having too much fun sitting on the frame, pressing the accelerator linkage, and pretending to shift the gears while making the engine noise. Now, I can't seem to figure out how to mount the choke and throttle cables. Anyone know how to do that for the Solex?
  13. May 18, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Just waiting for U Bolt skids to get here if they ever do ship. All the springs are mounted, axles hung freely, had the Jeep fall (tip) when I pulled the rear. Tie rods are painted, it will line up perfectly with the Saginaw box (even though my saggy box is so far back compared to others)
    Just need brake lines back and herm to finally get my gear back, then I'll get it to the guy hopefully doing my brake lines. Figured my choke and throttle cables out. Carb mounted.

    Now what's left...
    Brake lines, fluids, battery, body work, primer, paint, replacement sheet metal, mount body, run wires, steering, heater, upholstery, and go. (all in no order)
    Had the jeep looking like a tail dragger yesterday too, it was pretty cool looking. Makes my love for hot rods grow (even though I'm a jeep guy first)
    Waiting now for finals to happen Tuesday and Wednesday.

    Hey cool 700th post
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  14. May 24, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Alright, moving right along here!
    These came in, they'll be nice. Looks like 10" ground clearence under them, riding on 29's (Imagine 31's or 32's)
    Fronts (thanks for the idea Mike)
    And of course, I do stock ride hight shocks and THEN decide I want a lift :rofl: These are too short, ebay they go and then I'll pass on Rancho's and get some Monroe's
    Had the CJ looking like a tail dragger when I was installing the rear springs [​IMG]
    Kinda cool, was windy so I was wire wheeling inside with resperator, glasses, and ear muffs
    And I caught this picture. Indoor sunset. [​IMG]
    Fronts really aren't too different in the floor test [​IMG]
    But they don't sag under weight! :D
    Removed the front bumper today, time for frame reconstruction as Chuck and rocnroll (chad? on the CJ2A page said)
    No idea how to put the frame gussets back on, as well as a front bumper.
    Flame cut this today, kinda cool seeing rain turn to steam instantly R) [​IMG]
    Pretty darn close to the original! Now for a 7/16 drill bit? And this is pre grinding and wire wheeling. Not much of either was needed.
    Also cut this
    And lastly, picked this up Wednesday as the other thread said, I hitched it up, will really boss the little 2A around IMO... But neat none the less! 1953 Dunbar Kapple M100
    And then onto something as soon as I order parts. The darn rain needs to leave so I can shoot primer! Good thing I live in the desert though, no rust yet!
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  15. May 24, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
  16. May 24, 2008
    Bill F

    Bill F Finally running

    Hillsboro NH
    Sep 22, 2002
    looking great. I hope to have my jeep up and running for monday. Going to put the engine back together later this afternoon.
  17. May 24, 2008

    bkd Moderator Supreme Staff Member 2022 Sponsor

    K-Town Tenn.
    Apr 29, 2007
    nice progress Sammy......things are looking good......root:beer:
    Jim S.
  18. May 24, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Bill, sounds like a plan, being it memorial day and all!
    Jim, thanks!

    I seem to be needing to reconstruct the front frame areas now, with an original bumper gussets, bumper.
    Does anyone know how the stock bumpers go together on the 2A? How its all secured?
  19. May 24, 2008

    sammy Coca-Cola?

    Albuquerque, NM
    Jul 1, 2007
    Scratch that question. Now time for another custom front bumper. I think I'll get away without frame reconstruction.
  20. May 25, 2008
    Bill F

    Bill F Finally running

    Hillsboro NH
    Sep 22, 2002
    I hope you plans go better than mine. Find out my engine needs more than we ordered for parts. If the machine shop had done there job I would have known that.
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