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Help with Dist Cap

Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by rkusa, Feb 6, 2007.

  1. Mar 20, 2007

    Ppilotmike old JEEPer

    Oscoda Mi
    Oct 24, 2003
    Look down the throat of your carb with the engine not running using a flashlight, when you steadily move the throttle towards full open you should see two streams/squirts of liquid gas. If there are none it will be hard for the engine to pick up RPM until it is fully warmed up. This function is called the accelerator pump and is designed to smooth out the transition between the idle circuit and main circuit in the carb.
  2. Mar 20, 2007

    sparky Sandgroper Staff Member Founder

    Perth, WA
    Sep 20, 2002
    Best to do this if the Jeep isn't running. ;)

    Good thought Mike. If this isn't working then a replacement carb may be in order.
  3. Mar 20, 2007

    Ppilotmike old JEEPer

    Oscoda Mi
    Oct 24, 2003
    These are such great simple carbs I personally would keep an original and rebuild it myself. There is a lot of intermixing of parts on these carbs when they go to a "rebuilder". They were even used on marine applications and had two differnt size bases. Pic is of my coupes engine all the carbs are small base rotten chesters that I put together from the junkyard I set these up to run proggressive as I eliminated the idle circuit in the two outboard carbs.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2007
  4. Mar 22, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    Well I did this...no vaccuum gauge yet, but for sure on both sides of the carb base it causes a very noticeable increase in idle speed.

    Upon closer examination, the gasket on the carb base passenger side, is incorrect.
    There are tell tail signs of form a gasket, and the gasket does not extend to all four bolts.
    So....a gasket change is next....question...how do I find the correct gasket.
    And, if I unhook the linkage \, fuel line and 4 bolts are there any surprises that I should know about in advance like flying springs or delicate parts etc.
  5. Mar 22, 2007

    sparky Sandgroper Staff Member Founder

    Perth, WA
    Sep 20, 2002
  6. Mar 22, 2007

    Mcruff Earlycj5 Machinist

    Albertville, AL
    Sep 22, 2002
    What Sparky said, if you can, replace these bolts with stainless steel ones coated in antiseize when you put it back together. The gasket can be found at most NAPA's.
  7. Mar 23, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    Thanks Guys..and looks like they were replaced , and I tightened them today so they should be ok....I'll report back.
    Thanks Agan
  8. Mar 24, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    OK: I changed the carb gasket today. The old one was different and had a seperator section in the middle which was all buned and metal showing through.

    I also found that the emmissions hoses coming out the back of the carb had been previously plugged, but leaking....so I removed it all and put a plug in the rear outlet of the carb.

    So, now it won't start and idle yet....I'm wondering about how to adjust the mixture screws as each time I start the Jeep huge flames come out of the carb....?
  9. Mar 24, 2007

    Mcruff Earlycj5 Machinist

    Albertville, AL
    Sep 22, 2002
    Flames coming out of the carb would kinda mean timing is an issue. The carb screws should be run all the way in and backed out like 1 1/2 turns or so (IIRC)
  10. Mar 25, 2007

    kaiser_willys Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    :iagree: timing issue
  11. Mar 25, 2007

    kaiser_willys Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    did you set the points before or after you set the timing? point gap will change timing,but timing will not change point gap
  12. Mar 25, 2007

    sparky Sandgroper Staff Member Founder

    Perth, WA
    Sep 20, 2002

    I already said how to set the carb. 20" of manifold Hg. ;) It will run better than just in all the way and out 1.5 turns, that will get you started but won't get it tuned as well.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2007
  13. Mar 25, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    Well, I did set the points, but need a feeler gauge to do it spot on....I have a dwell meter, but am not quite sure how to use it yet.
    I have been read ajusting the timing today, and have got past the carb flames, but still have the choking out on accelleration.
    But...when I spray carb cleaner in the carb and then accellerate, it reves up....dies when the carb cleaner is gone....but ....

    So, what do you all think.....I can taste this thing running now,....LOL
    My wife thinks i'm insane.....but it will work soon...!
  14. Mar 25, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    OK....I figured how to use the dwell meter....the readiing is way above 30......I read not good....
  15. Mar 25, 2007

    sparky Sandgroper Staff Member Founder

    Perth, WA
    Sep 20, 2002
    Dwell should be ~29-30*. That could be contributing to it. I know I reset dwell on a V6 recently, took the immediate off-idle stumble taking off from a stop out of it.
  16. Mar 25, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    Well Iworked on it all day non stop.....NO Luck.

    I tried 3 sets of points, and could not get the dwell below 40 and mostly it was 50.

    I took out the distributor, just to see what that would be like....it was easy. I could
    not figure out how to move it forward a tooth as it says in some threads....seems like a round gear, with a key at the base....the key inside the engine remained in the same place even though I turned the engine with a ratchet like to find TDC. Put it back in...no problem.

    There may be a bit of vacuum leak, form some of those manifold ports but very slight if any as I plugged them all pretty good.

    Seems no matter what when it gets throttle it dies, sometimes as it's dying two quick throttles will allow it to come back to a rough coughing idle and then smooth out a bit....but that's as good as it gets.

    So it's out there.....it's grille is looking at me.....LOL It tried as hard as I did today...and I know we have roads to travel together soon. But I don't know what's wrong with it. And seems like it doesn't either.

    If I knew what it was....I would fix it.

    So what's next. I set the dwell about 100 times....reset the timing each time. I can't say it is running better than when I started.

    I also looked into the top of the carb, and turned the screw a bit that affects the squirt of fuel when throttle is applied....Gas came out each time, the screw did affect the flow a bit and I just adjusted it for the best stream.

    That's it. Should I get a different distributor or carb.....
    Should I take off the valve covers and examine the valves.....?
    Should I get DUI ignition, or pull the HEI out of my 1978 Chevy 250....if so would it work.......

    Lots of questions....big frustration.....
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2007
  17. Mar 25, 2007

    sparky Sandgroper Staff Member Founder

    Perth, WA
    Sep 20, 2002
    You need to get your dwell properly set before you move onto something else, IMO that is.

    You know it's wrong, start there, then go on if it's still wrong, process of elimination. It should't be a big deal to adjust, took me less than five minutes to adjust the dwell on a V6 last time I did it.

    The "key" you refer to in the engine is the oil pump, it won't move, the distributor drives it.

    You need to turn it slightly so you can drop the distributor in and move it a tooth. But if you're not having problems getting to 5* that's not going to solve anything, it's just making more work for you.
  18. Mar 25, 2007

    rkusa rkusa

    Western NC
    Feb 4, 2007
    I just got tired of trying the dwell.
    I see how it works....I think, but, it would not go within range 29 30.
    So....I'll Keep trying. I also tried setting it with a match pack, and the top of a spatk plug box. And, I always got it set at those gaps, but , it just didn't seem to change the way the engine died.

    With the meter....a two wire Sears dwell/tach meter it was in the 50's @ wires, both connected to the coil...+ and -..? When I put in different points it did change a bit, but not enough I suppose to get er done.
  19. Mar 25, 2007

    kaiser_willys Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2007
    oh ,the dwell meater one side connects to the - side of the coil the other connects to ground some where on the engine other than the coil,also make sure the meter is zeroed before you start and set to the correct # of cylinders,what the hell do i know mine is prob older than yours <the meter>
  20. Mar 25, 2007

    Patrick Super Moderator Staff Member

    Los Alamos, NM
    Sep 22, 2002
    Make sure you put the + wire on your dwell meter to the - side of the coil. then the - on your meter goes to ground. In other words, both wires on your dwell meter don't go to the coil....
    Wish I was near you, but I do admire your determination...
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