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Yj 4cyl Misfire

Discussion in 'Quitters' Club' started by DanStew, Jan 6, 2023.

  1. Jan 6, 2023

    DanStew Preowned Merkin salesman Staff Member

    Lexington, South...
    Sep 22, 2002
    I had an odd and frustrating condition pop up.

    At first it would have a stumble on acceloration for about 10 seconds or so when first driving the jeep in cold or wet conditions. probably happens within a minute of driving. It would do the stumble, then work fine for the rest of the drive. I checked all ignition bits and they were in good working shape.

    This has been happening for a year or so, since i didnt drive it as much in winter it did not bother me.

    My wifes car is broken so i have been driving the jeep and it has been doing the same thing but a bit more often. It will run fine after the stumble gets out of the jeeps system. But it will happen when i park the jeep for an hour or so. It will start up and within about a minute it will stumble for about 10 seconds then drives fine.

    Trying to think maybe injectors. maybe the ECM caps, but i am not sure what exactly the ECM controlls on the YJ since it is the early OBD1 that is pretty rudimentary.

    Anyone else have this issue
  2. Jan 6, 2023

    SFaulken Active Member

    Bellevue, WA
    May 24, 2011
    I don't know the Chrysler OBD-I systems nearly as well as the Fords, but on a Ford of that era, I'd immediately suspect a bad ground, and set myself to finding them all, and cleaning them.
  3. Jan 6, 2023

    DanStew Preowned Merkin salesman Staff Member

    Lexington, South...
    Sep 22, 2002
    it now seems to happen more often. i just went to Grainger and was inside for about 15 minutes. Then came out and drove off. it always happens about the same time/distance and only lasts for about 5-10 seconds. then drives fine the rest of the trip. And it was sunny and 60 degrees.
  4. Jan 6, 2023

    vtxtasy oldbee 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Tucson, AZ
    Feb 5, 2006
    New avatar...did not see that coming! You had it forever. OBDI was rather rudimentary as were the computers. I have a '91 Hardbody and deal with this.
    A good place to start and seems to be a simple procedure before pulling hair.

    Better yet...Stick a 392 Hellcat in it!

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
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