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Hand wiper question

Discussion in 'Early Jeep Restoration and Research' started by CJ, May 9, 2006.

  1. CJ

    CJ Member

    Lost the e-bay auction. $56 for the rusty darn thing!! :mad: Guess I will get the new one, take measurements, and you all can compare to an "original".:)
  2. CJ

    CJ Member

    Got the new wiper today. Here are specs:

    Slightly above average quality (7 on 10 scale)
    Blade is 9.5 inches long
    Arm is 6.25 pivot to pivot
    Handle is 4.5 inches long

    Don't think I will use it cuz it aint "original". Still Looking!! :rofl:
  3. Rondog

    Rondog just hangin' out

    Man, you're gonna make me climb up in the attic and take the one off my windshield for measurements and photos, aren't ya?
  4. CJ

    CJ Member

    I was hoping you would climb up there and then mail it to me!!! :) :) :) :) I am so friggin' sick of looking for such a stupid little part such as this!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Rondog, if you would do such a nice and kind thing, I will gladly keep you first in mind when my parts sale occurs in the very near future! ;)