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Steering stabilizer install

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by sac13, Aug 21, 2006.

  1. sac13

    sac13 Come oooonnnnn summer....

    Does anyone have good, close up pics of a steering stabilizer installed on their CJ that I can use as reference to install mine? There isn't one on it currently, and I am upgrading tires and suspension right now. I don't currently have any steering issues, and I hear this may remove some stress from the steering system. Thanks!
  2. Boyink

    Boyink Super Moderator Staff Member

    IMHO - if you don't have any issues don't bother with one. They usually get installed to cover up issues.

    Not sure how one would "remove stress" - the way it adds resistance/dampening seems if anything it would put more stress into the system at some point.
  3. CJ-X

    CJ-X Member

    I agree.
  4. panzer

    panzer Super Mod Staff Member

    After I put my new springs on I took it to get aligned. It drove so well I
    took off my steering stablizer and it was a huge difference. It had never
    been correctly aligned all along. :rofl: No need for the stablizer.. IMHO.
  5. sud

    sud Member

    Not trying to discourage you from getting one or anything, but mine doesn't have one either and I have no issues driving around town or on the highway to warrant purchasing one. It's a little squirrelly on poorly paved roads, but I'd imagine all are like that.
  6. timgr

    timgr We stand on the shoulders of giants. 2022 Sponsor

    The stabilizer was a very popular warranty installation ... the most common complaint was a mild shaking of the steering wheel at 35-45 mph. (The mechanics loved them - flat rate was something like 2 hrs, and they could be installed in as little as 30 minutes). I don't think it will hurt to add one - all it does is add some damping to the lateral movement of the steering. IIRC the factory item clamped to the tierod at one end, and there was a plate that went between the axle and the spring with a post sticking out for the other end.
  7. MA74CJ5

    MA74CJ5 Member

    I do not have one on mine and I have had no problems.
  8. CEEJAY5

    CEEJAY5 Jeep Addict

    You asked for a picture, I'll give you a picture:


    I don't know if you can see all the details you need...
  9. sac13

    sac13 Come oooonnnnn summer....

    Thanks Tim (and everyone else). That's a great pic. I new where the pass side attached but I wasn't sure about the driver's side. I already purchased the stabilizer weeks ago, so it's too late to return. I might as well install it!
  10. unclebill

    unclebill Banned

    when i 1st got the slug
    i took the stabilizer off when i rebuilt the front end.
    and never put one back on.
    i do think however that when negotiating basketball sized rocks it might keep me from breaking a digit from the wheel whipping around.
  11. nickmil

    nickmil In mothballs.

    I have a stabilizer on mine and really like it to dampen the "feedback" from trail obstacles. It really helps with that. It also dampens the stress of shock loads on the steering gear box, mount, and steering shaft/joints. As Boyink pointed out though it does increase the stress somewhat on tie rod ends, tie rod, and drag link.
  12. zila

    zila I throw poop

    I have on eon my 75, I installed it a few years back.. Now I am thinkin about removing it as all it seems to do is bang on the diff cover..
  13. sterlclan

    sterlclan Member 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    the first time the wheel spins and mashes your fingers you will want it back
  14. nickmil

    nickmil In mothballs.

    Sounds like it needs repositioning. I had the same issue until I rotated it above the tie rod iirc. Works good and doesn't hit anything.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Corveeper

    Corveeper Member

    I ran without a steering stabilizer for a long time but put one back on just because the bump steer off road is brutal without one. Finger jamming/breaking as the steering wheel gets whipped out of your hands brutal.

    Yea, what Nick said.
    Just remember to keep the stabilizer parallel to the tie rod. If either end of the stabilizer, either the tie rod end or the axle tube end, is higher than the other it'll create a twisting action on the tie rod wearing out tie rod ends prematurely.
  16. zila

    zila I throw poop

    I have repositioned it a few times. Might try again.. FWIW I have power steering..
  17. Southtowns27

    Southtowns27 Custom Title

    This thread is almost 6 years old. lol
    And fwiw, a dual stabilizer is the only thing that fixed the "death wobble" in my dually.
  18. sterlclan

    sterlclan Member 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    good threads dont die......they just turn into zombies....
  19. Boyink

    Boyink Super Moderator Staff Member

    Which is almost as long ago as I remember seeing you here..:)

    Still working on the water?
  20. Southtowns27

    Southtowns27 Custom Title

    lol. I still check in now and then. And yep, still on the water. Currently typing this from the Paul R. Tregurtha, biggest ship on the Great Lakes.