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Anti-stall dashpot

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by Pete-Tampa, May 10, 2006.

  1. Pete-Tampa

    Pete-Tampa New Member

    I have a 1979 CJ-5 with a 258 and a Carter BBD carburetor. There is something called a dashpot but I can't seam to locate a part number or were I can buy this thing.
    I have gone to several Jeep parts on-line places, and can find such a part.
    Does someone know what I am talking about, and a suggested source?
    Help is appreciated.
  2. jpflat2a

    jpflat2a what's that noise?

    the Jeep P/N for a 1979, 49 state, manual trans, non computer controlled BBD dashpot is: J8127729
    a tag number off of your BBD would help
    if not available from a dealer, I would think you could walk in any parts store and match this up; they are pretty generic in nature
  3. jpflat2a

    jpflat2a what's that noise?

    the dashpot is #11 in the pic below
  4. Pete-Tampa

    Pete-Tampa New Member

    Thanks for the quick help.
    Maybe I can find one tonight
  5. original cj5

    original cj5 They call me Mr Bubba

    I'll bite...what is a dashpot?:oops: Iknow...#11. But what does it do?
  6. Pete-Tampa

    Pete-Tampa New Member

    Perhaps someone with more knowledge about carburetors can give a better answer, here goes mine.

    I think is to dampen the throtle.
    When you take the foot of the accelerator it acts as a vacum type of device, even if it not connected to a vacum line.
    It keep the engine from stalling out.

    Din't find one, even from the dealer.
  7. Chuck

    Chuck Sponsor

    x2 The dashpot helps give better speed control when there are sudden speed and load changes.