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Cayenne's Calamity Build

Discussion in 'Builds and Fabricators Forum' started by cayenne, Jul 13, 2020.

  1. Oct 8, 2023

    Rozcoking23 RUN & GET BIT! 2024 Sponsor

    Stockton, CA
    Mar 29, 2008
  2. Oct 8, 2023

    vtxtasy oldbee 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor

    Tucson, AZ
    Feb 5, 2006
    You could try some sort of shackle limiting bar either on the frame/hanger or custom shackle with a cross-brace on it.
    Otherwise go full Norcal on it. It appears the spring mounts are too far apart for the spring length. What is the normal
    at rest shackle angle?
    Criss likes this.
  3. Oct 8, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    It was just more than 90* and under normal use it was fine. However I think I just have bent the springs operating them inverted for alittle while since it wasn’t in a safe place to fix. Now it is just shy of 90* so it will just keep happening. I have always thought the axle sits too far forward anyway, and that has been echoed by several in here when I post pics, so I am thinking copying NorCal on Steve’s Jeep.
    txtoller, Fireball and vtxtasy like this.
  4. Oct 9, 2023

    txtoller Member 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Weatherford, TX
    May 28, 2014
    That is basically, what I did! So much happier!

  5. Oct 11, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Rocky roads response to my question and pictures showing shackle inverted and normal ride height/angle prior to inversion. I guess I can’t follow directions, and/or run into things without noticing? I’ll take more pictures from them but know where this is going: “pound sand”.
    NorCal provided helpful information as always so I am just going to fix it.

    We passed this around the office since there are alot of decades of Jeep experience in here, no one has seen this before on these Jeeps.
    We reached out to our friends at Quadratec as well since they sell the cheap Chinese conversion kits. Same deal, hasn't happened.
    Is it possible the fixed end spring mount was moved and rewelded at some point? Or perhaps the shackle mount isn't in the original position? Either of those could cause the shackle to sit too vertical.
    Is the large end of the spring eye to the frame and small end to the shackle?

    ARB won't warranty the spring for this.
    We have seen this before on Landcruisers and Suzukis when the vehicles were backed into/over a nasty rock or stump, and been involved in 'trail fixes' with a bent main leaf. The spring needs to be taken off, the bent leaf separated, then you can put it into a wedge of some sort and pull the spring back into its original shackle.
  6. Oct 11, 2023

    txtoller Member 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Weatherford, TX
    May 28, 2014

    They are full of chit! Everything was stock location on my 6, and there was no way it would ever work out correctly.
  7. Oct 23, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Here are picture from Jeep jamboree near llano, TX (all granite rocks). I’ll try to to upload pictures of replacing broken things over the next month or so:
    -broke driver full float axle
    -rocky road junk shackle inversion
    - sniper efi dying at idle a lot

    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/23/0CEA2F01-A61C-42FC-9038-14633CC87D5E.jpg" alt="0CEA2F01-A61C-42FC-9038-14633CC87D5E.jpg" border="0">
    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/23/10797DCE-B81B-44A0-90E6-126201843388.jpg" alt="10797DCE-B81B-44A0-90E6-126201843388.jpg" border="0">
    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/23/33F26141-8A9C-44CA-A9CD-6F025F42C86D.jpg" alt="33F26141-8A9C-44CA-A9CD-6F025F42C86D.jpg" border="0">
    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/23/B303B36C-F9D3-438F-A75F-0B1EED9FD9B7.jpg" alt="B303B36C-F9D3-438F-A75F-0B1EED9FD9B7.jpg" border="0">
    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/23/E32D0B7F-A18A-42A9-8581-232BDC83E543.jpg" alt="E32D0B7F-A18A-42A9-8581-232BDC83E543.jpg" border="0">
    <img src="https://beamingpix.com/images/2023/10/08/3701CA29-2E2E-4C61-86F5-E19E639057C9.jpg" alt="3701CA29-2E2E-4C61-86F5-E19E639057C9.jpg" border="0">
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2023
  8. Oct 23, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Well, I can’t figure out how to use the forum links so you have to click on them I guess.
  9. Oct 23, 2023

    homersdog Tulsa, Ok 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Tulsa, OK
    Jan 8, 2012
    here are the rest of Cayenne's pictures from above.

    For beaming pix in your beaming pics album, click on the "copy & paste into your forum dialog box", then on your thread click the insert link button, the one that looks like an infinity symbol, paste the link into the dialog box here.

    If you are just copying the url link from the browser that can work too, but you would use the insert picture button here, the one that looks like a tiny picture of mountains and the sun.





    Danefraz, jeepstar, ITLKSEZ and 3 others like this.
  10. Oct 23, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Thanks for the explanation and fixing them!
  11. Oct 23, 2023

    Bob-The-CJ Member

    Italy, Texas
    Nov 6, 2012
    For your problem with spring inversion you need to engineer something like this:


    Another way to prevent it, a quick way, is to put in a limiting strap. You can just cut a seat belt out of a junk car and bolt it directly to the frame somewhere and through the spring hanger. Not eloquent but it can help get you through a trail.

    I also live in central Texas, I don't rock crawl but still plan to hit some trails this upcoming year.
    vtxtasy likes this.
  12. Nov 18, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Finally starting to tear into Jeep to fix the jamboree damage.
    Long side rear axle sheared the same place the short side did 5 years ago just past the hub side splines where they necked down. The new ones look like they will be much stronger since they don’t neck down and there is no drilled/tapped hole. However, the new ones are bigger in the middle so I can’t just slide them in…have to take the whole hub and spindle off which is really annoying.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
    Dne007, Danefraz, ITLKSEZ and 2 others like this.
  13. Nov 18, 2023

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    I bought a spare short side too, so I may just replace it while I have all the tools out and keep the one that necks down as a trail spare.
    Here was the short side I broke 5 years ago.
    Criss, blalp!, Danefraz and 2 others like this.
  14. Feb 7, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Well I finally found a narrow track Dana 30. It’s alittle crusty but it was close and cheap.
    Next step is to the axle shop. I have dreams of chromalloy shafts, lockers, etc…but we will see how much those dreams cost.
    I’m on the fence between ox locker and elocker…for ox locker guys, how long of a cable do I need?

    vtxtasy, Criss, blalp! and 5 others like this.
  15. Feb 9, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    I'll post some pictures this weekend, but I finally measured to see how off the Rocky Road kit put my rear axle.
    I used my handy laser level and found out my wheelbase is 79.25" instead of the 81" from the service manual. It looks like most of it came from the rear based on similar measurements of rear overhang. This confirms the visual and the inversion I was having.

    So how to fix?
    Option 1 is to remove Rocky Road's spring hanger bracket and throw it in the junk pile. Then weld on new yj hangers from ruff stuff. This would allow the RR bracket to live with other trash so it feels at home.
    Option 2 is to re-drill the 4 bolt holes on the RR bracket 1 3/4" to the rear, and hope my swiss cheese frame doesn't crack. This won't solve the fact the bracket is not square and torques my spring
    Option 3 is to keep the RR bracket where it is, cut off the lower hanger part of the bracket, and weld on new yj hangers to the bracket and not the frame. This would allow me to take the bracket off and get good welds on a table rather than my back, and spreads the load out to prevent frame cracking.

    I am thinking option 3, but I know others fixed it using option 1.
    vtxtasy, Fireball and Norcal69 like this.
  16. Feb 9, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    As an update to my sniper stalling issue. After sending in logs to holly tech support, it turns out it was exhaust leaks upstream of my 02 sensor, and the sniper had learned bad habits from this after awhile. Found out the block gasket was missing, and the collector gasket was too big and for much larger exhaust. Re-programed and running well.
    dnb71R2, Jw60, Buildflycrash and 3 others like this.
  17. Mar 25, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    The dana 30 came back from the shop. It got cleaned up, with 5.38s and an e-locker, and beefy ball joints. I ended up not doing chromoly shafts to save money.
    I put back on all new stock disc brakes (the wider 1 1/8" kind) with new calipers, longer hoses, moved over my m38 thicker cover, milemarker hubs since the originals were too far gone and warn discontinued theirs. Also did a ok4wd tie rod flip with some rusty off road beefy DOM tierods which luckily clear the cover.

    I almost got it swapped out this weekend, but ran out of steam. Still need to bleed the brakes, wire the locker, and adjust the steering.

    The only set back so far is that the calipers didn't clear my wheels which was a major bummer. I had to do some major grinding on the calipers but there is still alot of material on them so I think it is ok. Don't really know the long term solution. I could steal my track-kick brakes off my old dana 25, which I did confirm would work, but part of the reason for this swap was the bigger brakes. However, I really think 16 or 17" wheels are needed, and would let me get different backspacing to fix my slight overbite since this axle make them stick out alittle past my fender flares. My tires are pretty new though and I have definitely over spent my jeep budget for the year already.
  18. Mar 25, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    As for the rear spring hangers: I ended up moving re-drilling holes and moving them back 1.5" but now the tire sits alittle too far back in the wheel well.
    Picked up some off-set axle plates to move them back forward alittle bit, but haven't put them on yet.
  19. Mar 25, 2024

    Rozcoking23 RUN & GET BIT! 2024 Sponsor

    Stockton, CA
    Mar 29, 2008
    You also need the spring perches with the extra holes.
    vtxtasy likes this.
  20. Mar 26, 2024

    cayenne Member

    central Texas
    Dec 24, 2006
    Planning to just drill a hole in my existing spring plate, once I figure out if am going to use the 1” or the 3/4” offset. Don’t know why a 1/4” is all of a sudden bothering me?
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