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Under Hood Temps

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by XXIIILIV, Jul 25, 2023.


    XXIIILIV Member

    Would it seem reasonable to open up the firewall into the cowl vent and seal the two, to create a means of releasing under hood air ? I dont have any hvac, so, not going to lose anything there
  2. FlatlanderCJ5

    FlatlanderCJ5 Member

    Hmm....interesting thought. One potential issue might be the draining of water back into the engine bay instead of going out the hose and down and out, unless you leave the vent hose hooked up? I can imagine you get some really hot underhood temps there in the desert. Another thought is to buy another hood and vent it somehow, with either louvers or openings of some sort for those hot days in the summer and then swap it back when it's a little cooler.
    Ol Fogie likes this.
  3. wingless

    wingless New Member

    The under hood temperatures on my southern FL '79 304 V8 gets very hot after operation. Hot enough to not want to touch the hood prop rod longer than required to secure the hood open.

    The dash gauge shows the coolant temperature to be fine during operation.

    When my CJ-5 is operated near the end of the day, then I will prop open the hood when done, to drop the temperature faster, to permit covering for the night w/o having to worry about trapped heat.

    There is no interest / perceived benefit from modifying the engine cooling on my vehicle. Mine has all good thermals.
    Ol Fogie likes this.
  4. PeteL

    PeteL If it wasn't for physics, and law enforcement... 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    The cowl vent? Is that in front of the windshield base? (...no such thing on my Earlies.)

    If so, I think you'd find that is aerodynamically a high-pressure zone, meant as an intake, and may not "release" air.

    How about louvres to the inner fenders?
    Ol Fogie likes this.

    XXIIILIV Member

    Yep, leaving the hose in is part of it, and with the amount of rain we get, not sure it would be an issue. All i know is that its hot !!!!!

    XXIIILIV Member

    I thought about that too. I’m thinking at high speed it MAY be an issue, but at the very least, would vent air at low/stop speed. Besides, 50 is about the fastest i go anyway
  7. Jw60

    Jw60 I don't do metric 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    That definitely won't work with the windshield down.
    XXIIILIV likes this.
  8. danielbuck

    danielbuck Uncle Buck

    heat shielding or ceramic coating on the exhaust would probably do good. I'm in the process of fitting and making shields for the exhaust on my F143, so far it's helping the floorboards :) haven't measured any under hood temps yet
  9. Jeepenstein

    Jeepenstein Me like Jeep.. 2024 Sponsor

    I was gonna do something like this for my XJ..[​IMG]
  10. zinertia2

    zinertia2 "and which part are you keeping?" 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Tymbom did this

    if there were any hot rod places near me I would probably put louvers in the same place

    melvinm, Jw60 and Fireball like this.

    XXIIILIV Member

    I like the idea of louvers/screens, but, I’m trying to preserve the exterior look as best i can
  12. Lane Meyer

    Lane Meyer Member

    Interesting idea. Maybe add a small 12v fan to draw air through the hole you create in the firewall? That would work at slow speeds only (stopped in traffic, wheeling, etc.), of course.

    I also have no factory HVAC (Summit race car heater) - or a drain hose on the cowl box. My wife loves the water hitting her feet when we get caught in the rain. :) I need to add the drain and am going to consider your idea.
    XXIIILIV likes this.

    XXIIILIV Member

    You know what? Ive thought twice about this. I’m not driving a museum, and louvers would far from detract from the overall looks. Further, who cares ???
  14. Jw60

    Jw60 I don't do metric 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    With the false vents on jl fenders the average person wouldn't know the difference.

    XXIIILIV Member

    This on a cj5, but you’re right. I’m being silly thinking that everyone is a purist, and that this is a museum build

    XXIIILIV Member

    Just ordered some hood louvers
  17. Desert Runner

    Desert Runner Member 2024 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Yes I put in hood louvers

    melvinm likes this.

    XXIIILIV Member

    So, as I’m waiting for the louvers to be delivered, I’ve been thinking…forward or backward? Forward pros…maybe cool air kinda forced into engine compartment, instead of preheated by radiator/engine. Cons i guess would be any water pushed in. Reverse pros…maybe relieve any high pressure area under hood, and allow more air to flow. At any rate, sitting in a parking lot, heat can escape regardless of direction. Too much thinking ?
    Desert Runner and Dwins1 like this.
  19. PeteL

    PeteL If it wasn't for physics, and law enforcement... 2024 Sponsor 2023 Sponsor 2022 Sponsor

    Too much guessing. Any actual evidence this is necessary - or effective? For instance, is there any measurable benefit if you try driving with the hood propped open an inch or two?

    My guess is that any significant extra cooling, if actually needed, would be better done working with the liquid cooling system the engine already has.
    Ol Fogie and vtxtasy like this.

    XXIIILIV Member

    It’s more for letting out any ambient heat in a timely manner to help mitigate vapor lock, but, its all in fun as well
    vtxtasy likes this.