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74 CJ...Will it rollover???

Discussion in 'Intermediate CJ-5/6/7/8' started by spclark, Feb 20, 2008.

  1. Feb 20, 2008

    Boyink Super Moderator Staff Member

    Tulsa, OK
    Sep 20, 2002
    Don't bother - times when you should most likely be looking at it you're most apt not to be...R)
  2. Feb 20, 2008

    wicked4x4 HEY, watch the paint!

    Escondido, CA
    Dec 4, 2006
  3. Feb 20, 2008

    bkd Moderator Supreme Staff Member 2022 Sponsor

    K-Town Tenn.
    Apr 29, 2007
    hoping someone would post that first clip....great when your good, great when your lucky.......think he was a little of both
    Jim S.
  4. Feb 21, 2008

    NorCoJeeper Member

    Ft. Collins CO
    Feb 10, 2006
    I've talked with a lot of people with inclinometers and the general consensus seems to be that they're great for establishing bragging rights, but useless for forecasting a flop. As was mentioned, variables in the terrain and in each individual situation mean a flop can happen at many different lean angles.

    I've found the best way to tempt flops is the situation in Donnie's picture. In a tight ravine like that, you get very little damage and it's easy to drive out with a little help. That's about a close as you can get to a safe roll.
  5. Feb 21, 2008

    spclark Member

    Jul 24, 2007
    Thank you all for the replies and video clips. Some of those are AMAZING. So what I get from all of this is you just sorta have to get a 'feel' for it through lots of experience and different situations....hopefully none of them resulting in a roll.

    Thanks again.
  6. Feb 21, 2008

    Hawk62cj5 Captain of OldSchool

    Brodnax Va.
    Oct 28, 2004
    Ok 1 know when its about to go. I could have backed out but if the back wheel would have spun and slid the back tire would have drop a couple feet and I proboly would have floped so I oped to be pull back.
    This is a no no .... see my hand , the pic was took from a tall rock on the side of the trail , to get the angle look at my drink holder. :D
    This is about my comfort level
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2008
  7. Feb 22, 2008

    DanStew Preowned Merkin salesman Staff Member

    Lexington, South...
    Sep 22, 2002
    Did somebody mention my name?? :)

    Yup I tend to roll as frequent as Donnie :) Every rig is differnt when it comes to flopping over. My rig does it pretty nice. Last time i did it, it wasnt as much as the jeep lift, it was just a combination of trying to keep the engine from shutting off from being at such a high angle, and low gears so when i tried to just give it some gas when i let off the clutch, the low gears just grabbed and launched me up and over :( But just keep calm, keep a camera (just in case) and keep your hands inside. IT isnt a big deal if it does happen. You get some help to right it up, let it settle for a bit. I cranked the jeep up and it smoked like all heck but settled down and ran fine the rest of the day. And make sure you have your cooler and stuff lashed down, they will find their way out of the jeep. But once you do it the first time, you really will know it aint that bad. You still dont want to do it, but if it happens, "oh well" Those who havent flopped and tease us pros, they are just being jealous and live vicariously through our rugged jeep exploits ;)
  8. Feb 22, 2008

    Hawk62cj5 Captain of OldSchool

    Brodnax Va.
    Oct 28, 2004
    Steve take note of my avatar , thee poster above is who it is referring R) R)
  9. Feb 22, 2008

    DanStew Preowned Merkin salesman Staff Member

    Lexington, South...
    Sep 22, 2002
    I see you took the easy line to the left and not go close to the guard rail ;)
  10. Feb 22, 2008

    Hawk62cj5 Captain of OldSchool

    Brodnax Va.
    Oct 28, 2004
    Its all in the photo angle R) R) R)
  11. Feb 22, 2008

    MCSCOTT Member

    Columbia, Tn
    Apr 24, 2006

    Yup. If you have the opportunity to wheel in some tight trails that put you in a big lean, but where you know if you flop it's just gonna lay over on a dirt bank and not do any damage, then you can get a better feel of how far it can go before it flops. Make sure you have a decent cage, and lay the windshield down to keep from messin it up. Most of the time in those type of trails, if you lay it over, it doesn't hurt the Jeep or you either one as long as you shut the engine off before you lose oil pressure. Make sure you have people with you to help you push it back over as well. Around here I go to Wooly's offroad that has a bunch of fun trails like that where you get right to the edge of laying it on it's side, sometimes you'll have the top of the cage scraping the ground on one side of the trail, and still not flop it. These things are basically toys.......so play with it til you get a feel for it. :)
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